The Computer Crime and Security Institute has estimated that as many as 43% of US businesses experience some level of cyber security incident. The cost of a cyber incident to your firm can be calculated in claims and lost wages. In addition, with more than 46 states having State Security Breach Laws, client notification costs can be significant ($5 - $10 per client).
What can't be measured is the cost to your brand. According to Ponemon Institute 2010 global costs of a data breach, the value of brand and reputation can decline 17% - 31% after a breach. In addition, it can take over a year for an organization to recover it's corporate image.
Having a formal security breach plan in place can assist you in informing your clients the steps you have taken to protect their data in the event of a loss.
For more information download our White Paper on Information Security & Cyber Liability: Essential Steps to Protecting your Firm